Update: (January 14, 2021) It feels good to type that year, for some reason.
Also, I just read this article from The Guardian that was originally posted a year ago. I think I read it then, too.
Update: (January 14, 2021) It feels good to type that year, for some reason.
Also, I just read this article from The Guardian that was originally posted a year ago. I think I read it then, too.
Update: (October 25, 2020) I just added the new webring clip to this site.
I think about what happens if I update this once a year, or less. I think I can keep my entries short and even after decades the page will not be too long.
Update: (September 22, 2019) I sent this to the listserv in response to a prompt yesterday asking what I'd done: "Day 2 helping my dad get his firewood in. Got it done, yay!!,
"Bought new boots. The instant I got them both on and stood up I could feel the difference tingle up my spine. Not like Spidey-sense, just good arch support!"
Now I'm sitting at Logan Int'l Airport awaiting flight to Denver. My gate is also a Starbucks Coffee shop.
Update: (September 20, 2019) I'm in Vermont. Primary goal is moving firewood to the basement for winter heat. Taking a break while the sun beats down. Maybe get back to it in a half-hour or so.
I have not checked twitter, nor even loaded the app for days. It is a good feeling taking a couple minutes to update here instead. Updating here isn't just about writing in my spot, of course. It also includes looking around a little at what all is going on with other's and their ~.
Update: (September 19, 2019) tilde.club is back.
I'm on the Dartmouth Coach from Boston to Hanover on my way to Bradford, VT.
Went to see John Prine with Heather last night after dinner with Tony and John. Going on not much sleep.
The email threads related to and eminating from the tildeverse are wind beneath my wings.
Update: (February 26, 2016) Long time no see. I'm showing my daughter html. Brief stay on tilde.club this evening.
Update: (July 12, 2015) Whoa. Since the last update I resigned from school board and failed to get two jobs for which I'd applied. Traveled some and moved into full on summer.
I'm still working on too many things and being mediochre at all of them.
Having read through what ~jonathan is doing with screen, I think I might give that a try.
Update: (March 15, 2015) I retrieved my mom from the airport in Casper today. She has a horrible cough. I hope she feels better soon. She is visiting us for about 10 days. She came a long way.
I am involved in School Board activities (I'm a trustee). I keep thinking EdTech has come full circle right back around to a complexity that prevents adoption. There's worry about this tool and that tool. Many conversations happening when we should be attending to giving more agency to the kids. Not worrying perhaps quite so much about what Teachers can and can't do with "tech".
I recently modified a script I found online and employed it on my local linux server to aggregate some RSS feeds. This seems like such a simple and appropriate tool for communication I can't figure out why more people don't use it. I suppose if I really wanted to figure that out I could google it. But I don't want to know why.
"Learn more about this," I tell myself. I want to make (or at least find) a light-weight script that can accept simple input, announcements, that will be stored in a flat file and available to any RSS reader.
There are times I want to leave it all behind.
Does that ever happen to you?
Update: (January 14, 2015) Got some photos I liked of sun and ice this morning when out to feed my horse. I added one as a background. Can you see it here?
I have to get ready to participate as a guest interviewer at the local high school's "Expert Fair" where the students are the experts.
Update: (January 13, 2015) Wow. Not updated since last year. Harhar! But that's okay, other things have been updated. What if tilde.club represented a guy's enire life!?
There're other details on my bashblogging bashblog.
Update: (Nov. 25, 2014)
Update: (Nov. 21, 2014) This tilde bidness has gotten me fired up about learning more about the command line. There's a weird high associated now with what seems a little like tricking the computer into doing my bidding by typing in words.
I am learning from Mr. Fenollosa about blogging with bash and I set up my 12 y.o. son on a local machine with some aliases to launch Carlos's bashblog and to start screen
and his minecraft server. We even pass arguments with the alias so he can quickly launch different versions of the minecraft server! Whoa!
Anyway, I've now got three ways to update my website here on tilde.club. That's about two too many.
Getting an early start on my annual frustration with being "connected" electronically, I've resumed looking at ways to make those connections more difficult. Today (Nov. 10, 2014) I updated my webl with my Nokia E7.
I can't stop thinking about the term "mid-life crisis" today (Nov. 4, 2014). I updated my webl with thoughts kinda related to that. Then I zipped around the tilde-ring and found (surprise, surprise) I'm not alone in my reflections and directions and collections.
I made a stab at starting a web log. I'm not as crafty as many others here for automating and whatnot. We'll see if I keep it up. We'll see if I ever write anywhere else ever again. We'll see, or I will.
--Oct. 23, 2014
I don't recommend it.
I credit ~ford and Andy Swann, who, if I understand correctly, started* these things almost by accident and independently of one another.
"One day, I'll be cool. I'll use all the cool stuff. I'll make all the cool stuff. People will save photos of my tools." --Me, the other night.
* of course others, since inception, have contributed.